Brief History of Philipstown
Recently St. Kevins GFC celebrated their 50 year anniversary 1949 -1999 and so produced a book to mark the occasion. Extracts from this book have been put together to give a Brief History of Philipstown and the surrounding district to give the reader a brief taste of how St. Kevins GFC are steeped in the history and culture of this mid Louth Area.
Table of content
How and Why the Book was written
Chairman’s Foreword
A Tribute to St. Kevins G.F.C. by Seamus Kirk. T.D
Some Historical Notes on The Old Parish Of Mosstown
Mosstown Parish by Canon Leslie
Inquisition of parishes in the present parish at Dunleer 1658.
A Mosstown Court case
1641 Rebellion
The Famine
Schools in the Parish
Phillipstown National School
Dromin National School
The Early Games 1949 by the late Tom Powderly
Ladies Football Club
Camogie Club
Philipstown, Boxing Club
St. Kevin’s Youth Club
Philipstown’s New Pitch
September 12th 1981
Drogheda Independent Report - 10th October 1981
First Game on Philipstown new Pitch - August 21st 1982
Philipstown First Final. - October 16th 1982
Official opening of the PhiIipstown Pitch. February 26th 1983
The pre Field Opening saga. - June 18th 1983
Crowds Flock to Philipstown. - June 25th 1983
More Observed Days in the History of Philipstown
Cardinal Daly’s visit to Phillipstown
The Golden Jubilee Gala Week by the late Tom Powderly
The Late Mr. Tom Brennan.
How and Why the Book was written
That a Golden Jubilee book would be at least proposed was inevitable. Whether it would actually be written largely depended on the will of St. Kevins’ Committee and above all, the decisiveness of the Chairman; and David could never be accused of indecision. He gets things done mainly by the normal democratic processes but occasionally, when necessary, by ‘press-gang’ diplomacy. He did not actually say “we need four volunteers - you, you, you and you”, but none of the four of us can recall being given the opportunity to refuse!!
Now that the job is done we are grateful to David; but over the past months there were occasions that we were not quite so grateful. When, for example, we sat around a table trying to decide where, when, how and what to begin with. What to include or exclude. Days of trawling through half-a-century of newspaper archives in the Dundalk and Drogheda Co. libraries, and nights of writing the material into acceptable script-form. But, with the help and co-operation of the local public, we muddled through. The fact that our combined efforts have resurrected the dead past and brought into focus the qualities of the great men and women that have gone before us, and whose work would otherwise have been forgotten, is more than sufficient recompense for our efforts. And it is to those great people we gratefully dedicate this book.
Book was composed by the late Tom Powderly, Barry Brennan, Pat Bellew, Nick Mackin.
Chairman’s Foreword
To celebrate a half-century is a milestone in any organisations history, a milestone which deserves to be marked by an acknowledgement of its achievements since its formation.
The history of St. Kevins in its initial 50 years was compiled by Barry Brennan, Nick Mackin, Pat Bellew and the late Tommy Powderly, with the generous help of people from the district and further afield. Its recording is a work marked by dedication and expertise, and as the chairman of St. Kevins I congratulate them on the excellent recording and extensive research. I sincerely thank them and everyone involved in the collection of the relevant data and in the production of this fine book.
The initial 50 years has naturally changed the face of the community; we see names and faces that have left the world, many at a ripe old age and some, perhaps, too young. We should use these memories as an inspiration for further achievements in the next 50 years.
This book will help to preserve in our memories the bits and pieces that have moulded St. Kevins into a club of fine tradition. Our young people should take this example to ensure that when celebrating the clubs centenary the tradition will have continued.
Daithi macRuarí (David Rogers)
A Tribute to St. Kevins G.F.C. by Seamus Kirk. T.D
(Younger readers will know Seamus Kirk as a TD for Louth. Older readers will recall his outstanding service to his Club, St. Brides; and to his County Junior and Senior teams during the sixties until a severe leg-fracture cut short a brilliant football career.
We recall with pride the great games between St. Brides and St. Kevins throughout the latter half of the fifties and early sixties, games highlighted by centre-field battles between Seamus, for St. Brides, and Kevin, John or Johnny Boylan for St. Kevins; all men noted for talent, toughness and fair play.
We thank Seamus for his contribution to this book, and wish him every success in his career).
“The 1960’s was a vintage period for the St. Kevins Club.
The Club’s playing-pool was in the main from the west side of Dunleer parish, a rural area with a unique community spirit. Indeed a cursory perusal of local history will show that the Co-operative movement, which made such a significant contribution to social and economic life in Ireland in the past, had a very strong presence in the Phillipstown area. The achievement of building the new Community Centre, which was officially opened in the mid 1970’s and the development of the Club’s excellent playing facilities nearby, officially opened in 1983, was a tangible expression of the dynamism and energy which rual communities such as St. Kevins catchment area had, in less affluent times than today.
The St. Kevins Club was founded in 1948. They were the halcyon days of Louth football (the County won four Leinster Senior Championships and one All Ireland between 1948 and 1957).
Like so many GAA Clubs family names were synonymous with St. Kevins. When family units were larger 2 and 3 members from different families often provided the backbone.
The Club colours were a distinguishing red and black.
Fr. Michael Hardy now PP in Knockbridge was closely identified with the Club when he was Curate in Dunleer.
Padraig Faulkner, President of the Club, was a local teacher in Phillipstown before entering politics.
In the 1960’s the old Junior competitions (pre Intermediate days) were very difficult to win. In that decade St. Kevins were three times winners of that most difficult of all trophies to win, the McArdle Cup. It was a measure of the Club’s strength during that period that St. Kevins having won the Junior Champinship in 1968, went on to become a very strong force in Senior competitions. St. Kevins/St. Brides matches were always fiercely competitive and St. Kevins visits to Knockbridge never failed to generate excitement locally. Matches were hard fought, sporting and spirited with great bonds of friendship forged from the cauldron of long remembered battles.
Clubs like St. Kevins are the cornerstone of the GAA. They have deep roots in the soil of Mid Louth and despite a small playing pool, were very successful. I hope demographic changes never threatened the existence of Clubs like St. Kevins. The spirit of the Club epitomised what the Association was/is about in the local community.
I hope social changes never rob the GAA of the playing and administrative personalities of Clubs like St. Kevins. Commitment and pride were always a feature in Phillipstown and long may it remain so.
Seamus Kirk TD
7th January 1999.”
Some Historical Notes on The Old Parish Of Mosstown
In 1540 the curates of Mosstown, and Richardstown were called before a synod of the clergy of Armagh inter Anglicos at Termonfeckin to answer a charge of disobedience. In 1544, Richard (Henry) Hyng was appointed to the perpetual vicarage of Brethanus, and Fretanus (Furadran, and Baothan) of Dunleer. It is probable that Richard Hyng was the last vicar of Dunleer. to conduct religious services at Dunleer in accordance with the catholic rites. Furadran and Boathan are patron saints of Dunleer, and their feast-day falls on the 18th June, which is the date the Patron of Mosstown was held on until a few years ago.
The Old Church lies in the Townland of Mosstown North, on a prominent site at the South East of the ridge. The graveyard seems to have been originally circular. The Church was in ruins in 1622, but may have been refitted in the 17th Century. It ha noe disappeared. The only relic is a roughly squared font broken at one side and rounded at the base. The external dimensions are 22" x 201/2 x 19". The circular basin is 19" across and 101/2 deep, so wrote O. Davis M.A. in the 1940’s.
The graveyard is probably one of the best kept in the country. The old broken font is still there. This is a quiet peaceful place where many of our dead now lie. Let us pause here and take a look back at the old Parish of Mosstown and it’s people.
Mosstown Parish by Canon Leslie
In 1622 the Church was ruinous, and the value of the Curacy was £2. There are two curates named, 1622 John Clarke (R.V.) and 1633 Samual Powell at £4 (R.V.) In 1764 there were 24 Protestants and 316 Roman Catholics in the Parish. In a Parliamentary return 1766, the numbers given are 2 Protestant, amd 80 Roman Catholic families.
Inquisition of parishes in the present parish at Dunleer 1658.
“The said jurors do also say that the parish of Mosstown and in the Barony of Ardee consistent of the several towns following:- Listolch, Hammondstown, Marshalrath, Mostowne, The manor at Ratheskye, Phillipstown, Knock, als Montana (Knockaleva)”. We can see, the most at the old parish lies within St.Kevins G.F.C. catchment area.
Mosstown Court Case
A calender of salved chancery pleadings 360 Bren Fedegan, William Rydale, and Donnell O’ Feddegan of Morstown, Co. Louth cottiers versus Edward Taaffe of Marshalrath gent, and Manus Roe O’Byrne of Morstowne husband man (farmer). They bought of hay corn, and flax of Marshalrath and Morstown for the harvest 1594 from Robert Taaffe at Cookstown, who had them by deed from Rice ap Hugh, who had them as part of the dissolved house of St. John of Ardee, for many years yet to come. Defendants have forcibly taken from them tithes of Barre and flax, and threaten to take the rest of the tithes, which are the complaints only support.
(Tithes were a levy payable by all landowner whatever their religion to the clergy of the established church. In many cases the crown rewarded influential laymen for their services by letting them at a very nominal rent, the rectorial or greater tithes. These laymen were supposed to pay the upkeep of the vicar or curate, but often they paid the clergymen a paltry salary, whilst they grew rich on the tithes).
Rice ap Hugh is probably the same person or relative of Ambrose Ap Hugh who in 1633 was impropriator of the tithes which originally belonged to the Abbey of St. Mary’s, Louth.
1641 Rebellion
In 1641 a rebellion broke out in Ulster. The Irish were led by Phelim O’Neill. They were fighting to regain their lands which they lost in the plantation of Ulster, and to protect their catholic religion. The Old English who were mainly catholic joined in the rebellion in support of Charles 1 in his war against Oliver Cromwell and the Parliamentarians. Among those who took part was Christopher Barnewall of Rathescar. At a meeting at Tullyesker of gentry and landowners he was appointed colonel.
In 1649 the Parliamentarian forces in Ireland were greatly strengthened, when Oliver Cromwell arrived with his well-trained, and highly organised army. We are all well aware of what happened when he attacked Drogheda. The town refused to surrender, and when Cromwell overcame them, all the inhabitants were put to the sword. When Cromwell had defeated the Royalist, and Irish army, the landowners who had fought against him had their lands confiscated.
Barnewall of Rathescar lost his lands to Robert Wynne and others lost their lands to William Edwards, Patrick Fagan and others. In Knock also Montana (Knockaleva), Plunkett the lord of Louth, and Barnewal, lost their lands to Lew Allen, and Ed Singleton.
The Famine
The great famine occurred between 1841-1851. The fall in the population during that decade in Mosstown parish was 410 or 28%. Emigration would be the main reason for the decline in the population.
Schools in the Parish
Phillipstown National School
A school was established by Baron Foster ( John Leslie Foster, 1781-1842) in the townlands of Phillipstown, parish of Mosstown, barony, of Ardee, in the year 1816. The school was in connection with the Kildare Place Society and derived aid from it. At first salary and books were obtained from the Society, but later, only books were available. Baron Foster was the patron and when he died the connection was dissolved and was not renewed. The Baron died in 1842 and in October 1844, his son, James Leslie Foster, applied to the Commissioners of Education, requesting aid.
At a meeting in Rathescar parish of Dunleer on 23rd October 1844 a school called Phillipstown School was asked for is in the county of Louth, parish of Mosstown and barony of Ardee by Jas Leslie Foster. The school is built of stone, thatched and in good repair. It is 30ft. long, 17. ft broad and 8ft. high. Funds for the erection were made available by the late Baron Foster. It is rent free.
Sir Frederick Foster, of Whitehall, London, the owner of a large landed property at Rathescar, decided to build a school at Phillipstown Cross and he applied to the Board of Education for a connection. He was a third cousin of Jas. Leslie Foster, who had earlier been manager of a school there. An inspector of schools, F.F. O’Carroll, investigated the application and reported as follows: The site is an excellent one and is enclosed by a wall and an iron gate. It is not connected with a chapel or any form of religous establishment. Dunleer is the nearest town about 21/2 miles to the east.
Philipstown School
President of G.A.A Jack Boothman receiving a booklet of the opening of Pairc Chaomhin Maofa
from Christine Callan on his visit to Philipstown school in 1997.
Dromin National School
The school is situated in the townland of Dromin, was established on 11 January 1841. The schoolhouse was new and well ventilated, with six large windows. It was a one-roomed school, 44ft. x 20ft., and was built in the chapel yard, but in no way connected with the chapel. It was not connected with a religious establishment. There were ten desks, with seats for each, for the children and a large one for use of the teacher. The school was rent free.
Report in part by Father Magee and in part by Michael Coyle, Superintendent of schools, March 1841:
Pat Fleming is the teacher’s name, aged 35 years. The school only commenced on last week and from the present attendance I have reason to think that the average daily attendance will be 100 males and 50 females.
The Early Games 1949 by the late Tom Powderly
St. Kevin’s first ever game was a challenge-match .v. St.Colmcilles (Togher), in the field directly across the road from Carron’s pub at Togher cross. It is doubtful that any survivor of that game could ‘place’ St. Kevin’s team on that day from memory , but I would be reasonably sure that Peter Kelly was on ‘The Square’ with Paddy Murray at right-corner forward and myself on the left. It is not known where the hard-core of the team were placed; Joe McGrane could have been either at centre-full back or Johnny Carolan at centre-field and that other players of outstanding talent such as Mike and Paddy Tenanty, Tom Murray and Michael Clarke would have occupied key-positions.
Which side won is forgotten; the game itself, being a challenge, is only worthy of mention because of its primary place in the history of St. Kevin’s.
It is also worthy of mention that, at that time, Togher parish had two clubs affiliated; St.Colmcilles and, at the Annagassan end of the parish, St. Finian’s, and it was against the latter club St.Kevin’s fielded in their first ever ‘official’ Rann-na-feirsde cup game on March 13th 1949 in the field across the road from ‘Slán’ O’Neill’s pub in Annagassan. Noteworthy too is the fact that 1949 marks the end of St.Finnian’s, as it marks the beginning of St. Kevin’s.
Playing with St.Finnian’s on that day was the late, and may I add, great John Caffrey who later on was to establish himself as one of the all-time outstanding full-backs at senior level with Stabannon Parnell’s.
Victory over St. Finnian’s gave St. Kevin’s not only the first two points on the Rann-na-Feirdse cup table but also a confidence that the team could be a force to be respected. The pitch, like most other rural pitches, was rough-and-ready but reasonably level. Recent rain had caused water to pool in low-lying patches, a condition to which we were all accustomed at that time. Regarding play, I recall outstanding displays by Johnnie Crawley in goal, Joe McGrane at centre-full back and Mike Tenanty out-field. An amusing memory is of an incident involving Patsy Bowhan, who was on the injured list and was linesman, and Seán McKeown, the referee. Seán reversed a decision by Patsy who reacted by throwing the flag into a pool of water and not only inviting Sean to go in after it but advising him as to what to do with it when he recovered it. Following an exchange of further pleasantries play resumed and life returned to normality.
Ladies Football Club
The St. Kevins Ladies Football Team first fielded in 1992, the 2nd year of Ladies Football in Louth, under the management of Colin Meehan and Ann-Marie King.
The club itself in its initial year comprised mainly a link off the Camogie Team and eventually settling to form its own identity with the Cunninghams sisters Laura and Susan taking the top positions at their first AGM early in 1993, Chairperson and Secretary respectively.
Philipstown Community having settled for its usual sight of women with the Cumann and Sliothar now had an added interest “Women playing a man’s sport” a familiar chant from the humoured spectators with the note of the crowd attraction amused with the very idea. However, ladies football fast captured the imagination of the locality and not simply the fairer sex.
The sport’s growth is as much to do with the enthusiasm of its players as it is with the purity of the game and St. Kevins ladies are of no exception.
The girls now in their 9th year and with many great coaches behind them to mention Colin Meehan, Johnny Meehan, Bob Doheny, David Rogers and Philip Mathews have taken the girls’ skills to a higher level which men’s football tend to forget.
8 years sees the club rise from a humble beginning to the height it now occupies. In its short history St. Kevins Ladies having captured a County League Title, county Championship Title, runners up in Leinster Club Championship final have everything indeed to be boastful about and 1998 crowned it with 4 players collecting All Ireland County Medals, an achievement any club would be proud of. And again in 1999 another All-Ireland medal for a club member
Off the field the club are never short of hard workers with Laura Cunningham setting a solid foundation in Chairperson followed with the likes of Fiona Rogers, Linda Brennan and presently Eleanor Smyth keeping the club in hand.
St. Kevins Ladies take this opportunity to congratulate the Parent Body on the 50th Anniversary an achievement they feel honoured to be part of. The ladies take great pride in being linked to St. Kevins GFC whom they so often look to as role models.
Camogie Club
While St. Kevins Male GFC make their mark on celebrating their Golden Jubilee, the Camogie Team will at the end of 1999 celebrate their Anniversary of China “Their Twentieth Year”. A Club whose birth parents made up of a trio the late Mrs. Bernadette McCabe, Mrs. Alice Brennan, and indeed (today she’s still a familiar well known face in the Camogie scene) Mrs. Margaret McArdle. The club involves girls from Philipstown, Dromin, Dunleer, Cappogue, Ardee, Collon and Whiteriver and down through the years has become a social gathering as much as a form of exercise.
Their achievements they indeed can be very proud of, with a record of 5 minor Chp’s, 4 Junior Chp’s and 1 Senior Chp. titles to date and with a list the length of your arm of county Players from the Philipstown Club, with 2 players taking the County Player of the Year, Ann Marie King in 1995 and Donna Crehan in 1996.
In their 20 years of playing Camogie, The club have only ever taken the U12 title once back in 1993 played in Kilkerly against the tough opposition Cooley. The highlight of their first decade “The Eighties” was 1989 when the Kevins Girls captured the Junior League and Championship and the U21 League. An achievement again repeated in the 2nd decade “The Nineties” in 1991. This remarkable record indeed holds some of the proudest memerios for the club and while alot of the credit goes to the players involved, no one could forget that these teams were kept on their toes by two of the more experienced men from the G.F.C. club the late Mr. Tommy Powderly and the late Mr. Paddy Murray. While both men hold invaluable service to the parent body they showed that they were just as successful at a management level.
However the 1996 record, broke all boundaries with taking all County Championships Minor, Junior and Senior, captained by Donna Crehan, Yvonne Conaty and Linda King respectively. Their success on the field is the reflection of the efforts their trainers down through the years have shown with Paddy Brady, Joe Power and Ollie Kelly all completing their 3 year terms. To date the present trainer Joe Kennedy “well known to wear the No. 7 for the Louth Hurlers” is the man behind the coaching sessions.
St. Kevins Camogie Club would like to take this opportunity to thank their Parent Body for their continual support and wish them well in their years ahead.
A report from the Dundalk Democrat titled “Philipstown Girls Take County Title”
Right by the heart of Mid-Louth, the little hamlet of Philipstown is a very close knit community and victory in any sport is hailed as a big achievement and indeed this is how it should be. Back in 1980 St. Kevins Camogie Club, Philipstown, was founded by such people as Mrs. Alice Brennan, Mrs. Margaret McArdle and the late Mrs. Bernadette McCabe. In the years that passed the club has been trying hard to win an under-12 countychampionship, but without success. They did in fact reach four finals but as they say, failed when the chips were down. But perseverence is a great thing and success was finally to come for the under-12 Philipstown girls on Friday week last. In what proved to be an exciting game, they defeated Cooley in the U-12 Co. Championships by 4.0 - 2.0
A spokesperson for the club told us that much praise was due to Christy Carolan, N.T., Principal, Philipstown National School, for their great interest in the Schools Camogie League earlier this year. Praise we are told is also very much due to Betty Flynn, Sheila Meehan and Rose Smyth who were in charge of the camogie team.
Philipstown, Boxing Club
Philipstown Boxing Club held their 5th Annual General Meeting in the Community Centre, Philipstown, September 19th Chairman Benny Grogan thanked all that helped in any way during the past year. He said he was very optimistic of future progress in the corning year. The manager Patsy McCullough said he would be looking for a step up in training and dedication during the next season. Given that, he said more and more titles would be coming Philipstown way. Peter Grogan Treasurer said he was very happy to he able to report a healthy Bank Balance.

All Ireland Boxing Champion 9st 1982
Brian Grogan member of Philipstown Boxing Club
St. Kevin’s Youth Club
In 1979 the formation of the club took place. It was open 3 nights per week during the winter months when the football season had ended. It catered for boys and girls from ages 12 and upwards.
Everybody took part in the competitions which included Table Tennis, Pool, Rings, Darts and so on. There were many highlights over the years including our Annual Excursions, Discos, Games Finals night and, most of all, the Inter Club Competitions between ourselves, Newtown-Blues, St. Marys and O’ Raghallaigh’s. We were always made very welcome when we visited these places, returning the compliment when they came to Philipstown. I’m sure that the club will continue to give great enjoyment to the young people from the area.
Transport arrangements were always looked after by Gerry Monaghan and Pat Lane. Success also came our way with the girls Table Tennis team consisting of Yvonne Lane, Debbie McDaniel, Lorraine Grogan and Geraldine Hamill winning the Louth Championship and representing the county in the Community Games. A word of thanks to three members from the Senior Committee, Benny Grogan, Peter Sands and Barry Brennan, who were always there to give a helping hand.
Membership numbered around sixty, meetings were held weekly and the club also had its Annual Flag Day. In this anniversary year we would like to think of two former members, Philip Grogan and Tom Grimes, who sadly are no longer with us.
Philipstown’s New Pitch
September 12th 1981
Very impressive New Pitch at Philipstown, Just over a year ago the go-ahead St. Kevins Gaelic Football Club! decided on getting a new pitch. Their first major problem, was of course to procure a piece of land. Not a very easy task, when one considers the current price of land. The Committee were offered a site by the Land Commission, but they felt it was too far removed from the other amenities in Philipstowm such as the Community Centre. Then their luck suddenly changes when local man, Mr. Tommy Flanagan very generously agree to swop a piece of land which, to quote a St.Kevins spokesman is "just ideal", This land is located about 20 yards from the Community Centre and is very accessible. It borders the Dunleer-Philipstown road and also another minor road leading to the Whiteriver area.
The Committee then felt that the piece of land which they had got would be much better if they could get the minor road leading to the White river realigned. Just another small problem, at least to the St. Kevins club. They approached the County Council and eventually got the all clear. The local councillors agreed to give their "penny in the pound" allowance towards the re-aligning the roadway. A large part of the work being done on voluntary basis. When completed the pitch should in fact be one of the finest in County Louth.
When one considers the small country area of Philipstown this is indeed a very big tribute to the people of the area. It is hoped all going well to have an official opening ceremony performed about Mid August 1982.
Drogheda Independent Report - 10th October 1981
Philipstown New Grounds inspected. A few weeks ago we gave you an account of the new Gaelic Football Pitch being made at Philipstown and told of the five year effort which has brought the pitch to its present advances stage. At that time the seeding and fencing of the grounds were in progress. On Saturday last a number of G.A.A. Officials representing the Leinster Council came to inspect the new Kevins grounds. The included Chairman John Dowling, Mr. Brian Smith (Meath) Mr. Paddy Kenny Chairman Louth County Board, Secretary Peadar Kearney. They were met by PB. Sands, Club Chairman and the field Committee members. They were very impressed by this new pitch and expressed the opinion that it was indeed a great achievement for such a small place.
First Game on Philipstown new Pitch - August 21st 1982
Last week a very memorable and important milestone in the history of the St. Kevins Gaelic Football Club, Philipstown was reached. On that night the very first game to be played on the club’s new pitch took place. The Club have not yet had an official opening of the grounds, but as the pitch is now ready they decided to bring it into use. This particular game involved the local side and their opponents were John Mitchels. It was in fact a MacArdle Cup game and a win for the local side would have brought them through to the semi-final of the competition. St. Kevins not even in their new pitch could get in front of John Mitchels and so went out of the Cup Race.
A Match which Kevins would have liked to have won, they must still have been pleased to have played their first game on the new pitch. This new ground is certainly one of the finest in County Louth and possibly further a field. In this short tribute to a very go-ahead rural club we have not mentioned names. There are so many involved with this great project, all equally important, that it would be causing trouble least we leave anyone out.
Philipstown First Final. - October 16th 1982
A fine day and a delightful rural setting for last Sunday’s big match out Philipstown way the first County Board final to be played on the impressive new grounds provided by the go-ahead local St. Kevins Club. Barry Brennan and company richly deserved all the tributes heaped on them for the arrangements. Among other things and excellent vantage point was set up for the press. Well done Philipstown, and Congrats as well to Hunterstown Rovers on carrying off the MacArdle Cup for the first time. After an encouraging start, their Dunleer opponents fell away rather badly in a fixture which attracted a bumper gathering.
Notes from Minute Book
Sat 9th October - at work on field to prepare for MacArdle Cup Final, Paddy Halpenny, Paddy Tenanty. Ronnie Callan, Benny Grogan, Nick Mackin, Barry Brennan, Jim Mackin, Tommy Powderly (RIP), Billy Boylan, Damien Callan, James & David Mackin, Jim Hoey, Brendan Matthews, Pat Bellew, Eddie Rogers, Kevin Boylan, Pat Callan.
Sec. Barry Brennan, collected flags Sunday morning from Alice
Brennan, Nick Mackin gets white coats in St. Brigids, Ardee,
Hunsterstown tog-out in hall Lannléire in pre-fab at School. Joe Lennon vice chairman Louth County board presented cup. £650 taken at gate £1.00 admission club received £20.00 for rent of grounds.
Official opening of the PhiIipstown Pitch. February 26th 1983
The official opening of the New Philipstown G.A.A. Pitch will take place on Sunday June 19th and Louth will play Meath in the opening match. This should he a very attractive game with the winners being presented with the John Bowden Perpetual Trophy. The trophy is a very handsome one indeed and was presented some months back to the Lannleire Club by the Bowden family, Dunleer in memory of their late son Jimmy.

The Boylan Boys
L-R Peter, Billy, Kevin, Garry, John, Ollie, Tom
Down through the years they all have played their part in making St. Kevins what it is today

The Mathews – Another family who played a massive role in the recent history of St Kevins GFC
The pre Field Opening saga. - June 18th 1983
On the face of it all looked well and arrangements were In the final stages, Meath to play Louth etc. Well first to come to notice was Louth had arranged a Friday evening Match at Haggerstown for the McGeough Cup verses Down, Bad enough, Then the County Team Managements refusal to allow Louth play Meath after a commitment had been given. The feeling was that these two factors would seriously effect the gate and cause the occasion to lose much to its glamour. Chairman Peter B. Sands and Secretary and County Board delegate Barry Brennan along with others were put to the Pin of their collar to come up with a solution to the latter. It is history now that the final programme was Louth to play Monaghan
Crowds Flock to Philipstown. - June 25th 1983
All's well that ends well that must surely be the collective feeling of the St. Kevins, the County team management and the County Board after last Sundays successful official opening of superb Pairc Chaoinhin Naofa in Philipstown. On a beautiful summers evening, the new field opening attracted an excellent attendance to compensate St. Kevins in some small way for the months of hard work that went into the preparation of the held.
There was a lot of hassle on the lead up to the opening between the Club and the County Board over the latter decision to grant Geraldines permission to stage The McGeough Cup fixture just two days prior to the Philipstown match, also the Co. teams management refused to play Meath, St. Kevins needn’t have worried. The fixture was exceptionally well attended with stand in Monaghan taking along with them plenty of support. Yes, it was a great day for the Philipstown Club and all concerned with the preparation can be proud of the new pitch.
Monaghan 1.13, Louth 1.6
Referee: Michael Hughes.
Louth Team Jim Brady
Sean Keenan Mall McDermott Marin Carr
Desie Callaghan Aidan Wiseman Eugene Judge
Paul Renaghan Pat Mulligan
Richie Culhane Jim McDonnell Barry Mckeever
Jonny McDonnell Pat McCannon Barry Gaughran
Subs: Denis Kellegher for Jim McDonnell, Pat Matthews for Carr, McDonnell for Reneghan.

This was the first team to play on the new Pitch
More Observed Days in the History of Philipstown
Cardinal Daly’s visit to Phillipstown
The purpose of the Cardinals’ visit was to dedicate the new stained glass window installed in the east gable of Phillipstown chapel. The window was presented by the Flanagan family, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A., in memory of their father Tom Flanagan (who had emigrated from ‘The Crochan’ in Phillipstown early in the last century) and his wife Marie. It was designed and composed by Mickel Hill and James Flanagan (grandson of Tom), both of U.S.A., and was put in place by Tom Lynch of Stabannon with assistance from the late Paddy Boyle of Dunleer.
Following concelebrated mass, Cardinal Daly, Canon Mulgrew, Father John Kieran (Ashville, Funshog) and Peter Daly visited and blessed the pitch and facilities at St. Kevins G.F.C. The photograph includes: (front, left to right); Alice Carolan (nee. Mackin), Kathleen Curran (nee. Flanagan), Fr. Benny Fee (C.C. Dunleer), Canon Mulgrew (P.P. Dunleer), Robert Daly, Cardinal Daly (back, left to right); Jim McCabe, Anne Powderly (nee. Rogers), Paddy Halpenny, James Mackin, Paddy Mackin, Pádraig Faulkner, Fr. John Kieran and Kitty Faulkner (nee. Landy).
The photograph was taken from the dressing-room gable.
Composed by the late Tom Powderly10th June 1993
The Golden Jubilee Gala Week by the late Tom Powderly
The week of celebration of the clubs’ half-a-century will surely be remembered as outstanding in its organisation, variety and management. Spearheaded by the officers of the club; David Rogers, Gene McDaniel and James Mackin, with the willing and imaginative co-operation of the Camogie club and Ladies G.F.C., the seven-day series of events provided for all ages and all preferences of entertainment. Avid football fans had a feast of top-quality games in the senior/intermediate knockout competition, won by Walterstown (Co. Meath). Equally satisfied were lovers of under-age football and Camogie for all ages. For those for whom field-games hold no charms, the stage presentation of a hilarious version of "Mr. and Mrs" and "Blind Date" by Ann-Marie King and her brother David, (ably assisted by heroic club-members who bravely put their reputations on the line by participating) will for many years be a bright spot in local folk-memory.
The deductive and navigational skills of the many who participated in the Car Treasure Hunt, organised by Margaret and Joe McArdle (with diabolical deviousness in layout of route and clues) were tested to the limit, as was their physical endurance tested by the last-lap search for clues through Rathescar woods on foot.
Prohibition in pub-less Phillipstown was relaxed throughout the week and a canvas-covered oasis, ably managed by John O’Connell of The Village Inn, Dromin, was erected in the Hall grounds for the prevention of dehydration of competitors and spectators alike – and quite a few who were neither.
The focal point of the week was the Presentation Dinner to honour the surviving members of the original 1949 team and the representatives of those who have passed on. Again the organisation and execution of the event was truly professional, culminating in the reading of a valedictory address and the presentation of a commemorative plaque to each player or representative. Mr. Pádraig Faulkner, ex-headmaster of Phillipstown N.S. (in the presence of Mr. Terry Maher, chairman of Louth County Board, and other officials) made the presentations.
Viewed from a point of overview the Gala week was a triumph for the organisers and a public exposition of the qualities of a club that has survived and expanded through fifty years of good times and bad. No greater tribute could have been paid to the men and women – living and dead – who laid the foundations.
The Late Mr. Tom Brennan.
Another link with the Philipstown old was severed following the death of Mr. Tom Brennan which took place at his residence, Funshog, Collon, after a short illness, who was 82 years of age, and for the greater part of his life worked with Louth County Council. On the sporting scene he was a keen follower of the G.A.A. at Club and inter County level. He was a founder member of the local St. Kevins G.F.C. and was their first treasurer, a position he held for ten years.
He was one of the few who saw the old hall opened in Philipstown in 1912 and in 1975 he saw the new hall being opened and last June he saw one of his dreams realised when St. Kevins opened their new playing field. He is survived by his Wife Rosie a regular worker at whist and other functions in Philipstown Hall. His funeral was well attended and included a large contingent of players and official of St. Kevins G.F.C. Members of the club formed a Guard of Honour at both the removal of the remains and funeral and the coffin was carried by team members.
Drogheda Independant Report - January I4th